22 Triggers That Could Put You on the IRS’s Radar


As tax season approaches, individuals and businesses prepare to navigate the complexities of filing their taxes. Among the concerns that loom large is the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Understanding the various triggers that could prompt IRS scrutiny is crucial for taxpayers to ensure compliance and mitigate potential risks. In this in-depth exploration, we delve into 22 critical factors that are most likely to catch the IRS’s attention, providing detailed insights and actionable strategies to help taxpayers navigate their tax obligations confidently.


  1. Income Discrepancies: IRS audits often stem from inconsistencies in reported income. It’s imperative for taxpayers to ensure that all sources of income are accurately and transparently disclosed, minimizing the risk of triggering an audit.
  2. Unusual Cash Transactions: Large, unexplained cash transactions can raise suspicions of tax evasion or illicit activities. Maintaining detailed records and being able to provide clear documentation for such transactions is essential to avoid IRS scrutiny.
  3. Dubious Business Expenses: Overstating business expenses can artificially reduce taxable income and may lead to audits. Taxpayers must ensure that their business expense claims are legitimate, supported by proper documentation, and compliant with tax regulations.
  4. Charitable Contribution Concerns: While charitable donations offer tax benefits, exaggerated deductions may attract IRS attention. Taxpayers should carefully document their charitable contributions and adhere to IRS guidelines to avoid triggering an audit.
  5. Tax Implications of Relocation: Moving to a different state for tax purposes can raise red flags for the IRS. Taxpayers must ensure that any change in residency is well-documented and supported by legitimate reasons beyond tax avoidance.
  6. Gambling Gain Oversights: Failure to report gambling winnings accurately can lead to IRS inquiries. Taxpayers engaged in gambling activities should maintain meticulous records of their winnings and losses to substantiate their tax filings.
  7. Education Credit Exaggerations: Claiming excessive education credits without meeting eligibility criteria can raise suspicions of tax fraud. Taxpayers should ensure that they qualify for education credits and maintain proper documentation to support their claims.
  8. Dependent Discrepancies: Incorrect claims of dependents may prompt IRS audits. Taxpayers should accurately report their dependents and be prepared to provide documentation to substantiate their claims if necessary.
  9. Excessive Tax Credit Claims: Claiming an excessive number of tax credits may lead to IRS scrutiny. Taxpayers should only claim credits for which they are eligible and ensure that they have the necessary documentation to support their claims.
  10. Early Retirement Withdrawals: Early withdrawals from retirement accounts can trigger IRS audits, especially if they are not properly reported or qualify for exceptions. Taxpayers should be aware of the tax implications of early withdrawals and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.
  11. EITC Eligibility Scrutiny: The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is subject to rigorous eligibility requirements, and improper claims can result in audits. Taxpayers should carefully review the eligibility criteria for the EITC and accurately calculate their credits to avoid triggering an audit.
  12. Energy Credit Evaluation: Claims for energy credits are closely scrutinized by the IRS to ensure compliance with eligibility criteria. Taxpayers should maintain thorough documentation of energy-efficient improvements and ensure that their claims are supported by evidence.
  13. Income Disparity Detection: Significant disparities in reported income between tax returns can raise suspicions of tax evasion. Taxpayers should ensure consistency in their income reporting and be prepared to explain any discrepancies to the IRS.
  14. Foreign Account Monitoring: Failure to report foreign accounts and income can prompt audits, underscoring the need for compliance with reporting requirements.
  15. Day Trading Diligence: Day trading activities are subject to IRS scrutiny, especially if they result in significant gains or losses. Taxpayers engaged in day trading should maintain detailed records of their transactions and accurately report their income and losses.
  16. Alimony Accuracy: Proper reporting of alimony payments is essential to avoid IRS audits. Taxpayers should ensure that their alimony payments are accurately reported and supported by documentation.
  17. Refund Reflections: Significant changes in tax refunds from year to year can raise suspicions of tax fraud. Taxpayers should be prepared to explain any discrepancies in their refunds and provide documentation to support their claims.
  18. Casualty Loss Documentation: Claims for casualty losses must be supported by thorough documentation to avoid IRS audits. Taxpayers should maintain records of any losses incurred and be prepared to provide evidence if necessary.
  19. Self-Employment Scrutiny: High self-employment income can attract IRS attention, especially if deductions are claimed excessively. Taxpayers should ensure that their self-employment income and expenses are accurately reported and supported by documentation.
  20. Unfiled Returns Repercussions: Failure to file tax returns can result in IRS audits and penalties. Taxpayers should file all past due returns and address any outstanding tax liabilities to avoid triggering an audit.
  21. Mathematical Precision: Math errors in tax returns can raise suspicions of tax fraud and prompt IRS audits. Taxpayers should carefully review their tax returns for accuracy and ensure that all calculations are correct.
  22. Cryptocurrency Compliance Concerns: Transactions involving cryptocurrency are subject to IRS scrutiny, and failure to report cryptocurrency transactions accurately can lead to audits and penalties.


Conclusion: Navigating the intricate landscape of tax compliance demands vigilance and adherence to regulations. By recognizing these 22 warning signs that could attract IRS attention, taxpayers can proactively mitigate risks and ensure a smoother tax season. With careful attention to detail and diligent record-keeping, taxpayers can navigate their tax obligations confidently and minimize the likelihood of facing IRS scrutiny.

Important Tip: Not sure where to begin? Try our Tax Relief Finder tool. It helps you find IRS programs and gives recommendations for the best solution. Learn about our - Tax Relief Program Finder
Important Tip: Understanding the Tax-Relief process is an essential resource for individuals dealing with tax debt. It offers a road map guide, simplifying the steps needed to resolve tax-related issues- Tax-Relief Process
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