How does the IRS define “Current and Compliant”


When dealing with an IRS tax debt, the term “Current and Compliant” takes on a heightened significance, shaping the criteria that taxpayers must meet to effectively address their financial obligations and navigate the resolution process. Let’s delve into the specific meaning of “Current and Compliant” in the context of IRS tax debt.


Current with Tax Deposits:

  1. Timely Payments: To be “Current” implies making timely and accurate payments of all required tax deposits. This involves ensuring that any outstanding tax liabilities are addressed promptly and in accordance with IRS guidelines. Regular, on-time payments demonstrate a commitment to meeting immediate financial obligations.
  2. Fulfilling Financial Responsibilities: Being “Current” goes beyond meeting deadlines; it signifies a proactive stance in fulfilling financial responsibilities. This commitment is crucial when attempting to resolve tax debt, as it establishes a foundation of reliability and cooperation with the IRS.

Compliant with Tax Returns:

  1. Accurate and Comprehensive Filings: The second dimension, “Compliant with Tax Returns,” involves submitting accurate and comprehensive tax returns within specified timelines. This requires meticulous attention to detail in providing the necessary documentation and information required by the IRS. Compliance ensures that the IRS receives a clear and accurate representation of the taxpayer’s financial situation.
  2. Transparent Communication: Compliance is a form of transparent communication with the IRS, showcasing a commitment to legal obligations and a willingness to cooperate in resolving tax debt. Accurate filings contribute to building trust between the taxpayer and the IRS, which is essential for a successful resolution process.

Significance in Resolving IRS Tax Debt:

  1. Prerequisite for Resolutions: When facing IRS tax debt, being “Current and Compliant” is often a prerequisite for the initiation of any potential resolutions. The IRS typically requires taxpayers to demonstrate their commitment to meeting current financial obligations and complying with filing requirements before considering options such as installment agreements, offers in compromise, or other resolution strategies.
  2. Sustaining Resolutions: Beyond initiation, maintaining “Current and Compliant” status is crucial for sustaining any active resolutions. Taxpayers are generally required to remain current with payments and compliant with filings throughout the resolution period. Failure to do so may result in defaulting on agreements, leading to potential adverse consequences.

Risks of Non-Compliance:

  1. Defaulting on Resolutions: If a taxpayer is not “Current and Compliant,” any active resolution plans with the IRS, such as installment agreements or other negotiated settlements, are at risk of default. This can result in the IRS resuming collection actions, including levies or liens, to enforce the outstanding tax debt.
  2. Collection Actions: Non-compliance may trigger immediate collection actions by the IRS, potentially leading to the seizure of assets through levies or the imposition of liens on the taxpayer’s property. These actions aim to secure the government’s interest in recovering the owed tax debt.

Importance for Financial Stability:

  1. Avoiding Legal Complications: Being “Current and Compliant” is not only a strategic move for resolving tax debt but also a means of avoiding legal complications. By adhering to IRS guidelines and fulfilling financial and filing obligations, taxpayers can mitigate the risk of facing more severe enforcement actions.
  2. Stabilizing Financial Health: Achieving and maintaining “Current and Compliant” status is integral to stabilizing financial health. It allows individuals and businesses to navigate the resolution process with confidence, fostering an environment conducive to long-term financial stability and growth.

Navigating the Process:

  1. Utilizing Resources: Taxpayers dealing with IRS tax debt can leverage available resources, including technological tools, automated systems, or professional advice, to simplify the process of staying “Current and Compliant.” These resources provide support in tracking payments, organizing financial records, and ensuring accurate filings.
  2. Open Communication with the IRS: Establishing open communication with the IRS is key. If facing challenges in meeting obligations, proactive communication can sometimes lead to negotiated solutions. Explaining any hardships or seeking guidance from IRS representatives can be a crucial step in maintaining compliance.



In the realm of IRS tax debt, being “Current and Compliant” is not just a bureaucratic requirement; it is a strategic and necessary approach for effective resolution. It involves meeting immediate financial obligations, adhering to filing requirements, and establishing a cooperative relationship with the IRS. This designation serves as a foundation for navigating the complexities of tax debt resolution, mitigating risks, and ultimately achieving a more stable financial future.

Important Tip: Not sure where to begin? Try our Tax Relief Finder tool. It helps you find IRS programs and gives recommendations for the best solution. Learn about our - Tax Relief Program Finder
Important Tip: Understanding the Tax-Relief process is an essential resource for individuals dealing with tax debt. It offers a road map guide, simplifying the steps needed to resolve tax-related issues- Tax-Relief Process
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