Dealing with Missed Payments and Defaults

tax time

Handling financial responsibilities, particularly those owed to the IRS, requires diligence and proactive measures. However, unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to missed payments on installment agreements, potentially resulting in default. Understanding the process and available resources when faced with missed payments is crucial to avoiding escalated actions by the IRS. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore dealing with missed payments, the consequences of default, and the vital role of Form 9423 in resolving these issues effectively.


Dealing with Missed Payments:

When facing missed payments on IRS installment agreements, swift action is imperative. The IRS typically grants a grace period of 30 days to rectify any missed payments. During this period, it’s essential to assess the situation thoroughly and take appropriate steps to address the missed payment. This might involve reviewing your financial situation, identifying any challenges, and exploring options for catching up on payments.

Consequences of Default:

Failure to reinstate missed payments within the grace period can lead to default on the installment agreement, triggering collection actions by the IRS. Default may result in receiving a Notice of Intent to Levy, indicating the IRS’s intention to pursue collection measures such as wage garnishment or asset seizure. Understanding the severity of default and its potential repercussions underscores the importance of promptly addressing missed payments to avoid escalating consequences.

Reinstating the Agreement:

Despite defaulting on an installment agreement, taxpayers have options to reinstate it and mitigate further consequences. One approach is to pay the total outstanding debt, immediately reinstating the agreement and halting any ongoing collection actions by the IRS. Alternatively, taxpayers can file Form 9423, the Collection Appeal Request, to appeal the default. This form provides an avenue for taxpayers to explain the reasons for missed payments and propose a resolution to reinstate the agreement.

Understanding Form 9423:

Form 9423 serves as a formal mechanism for taxpayers to appeal IRS collection actions related to missed payments and defaults on installment agreements. It enables taxpayers to present their case, provide reasons for missed payments, and propose a resolution to reinstate the agreement. When completing Form 9423, it’s crucial to provide accurate and detailed information, including explanations for missed payments and a clear plan for resolving the issue.

Filling Out Form 9423:

Completing Form 9423 effectively involves several key steps:

  1. Provide Personal Information: Enter your name, address, Social Security number (or taxpayer identification number), and contact details accurately.
  2. Specify IRS Collection Actions: Indicate the IRS actions being appealed, such as intent to levy or proposed asset seizure.
  3. Explain Reason for Appeal: Provide a comprehensive explanation for missed payments, citing any extenuating circumstances or financial hardships.
  4. Propose a Resolution: Outline a feasible plan to address missed payments and reinstate the agreement, demonstrating your commitment to fulfilling your tax obligations.
  5. Sign and Date the Form: Certify the accuracy of the information provided by signing and dating the form.
  6. Submit the Form: Send the completed form to the appropriate IRS office as instructed on the form or IRS website.

Tips for Success:

To maximize the effectiveness of Form 9423 and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, consider the following tips:

  • Be Honest and Transparent: Provide truthful and accurate information on Form 9423, as any discrepancies or false statements could undermine your appeal.
  • Include Supporting Documentation: Attach relevant supporting documentation, such as financial statements or medical records, to substantiate your case and strengthen your appeal.
  • Follow Up: After submitting Form 9423, follow up with the IRS to ensure receipt and track the progress of your appeal. Maintain open communication and respond promptly to any requests for additional information or clarification.


Missed payments and defaults on IRS installment agreements can be daunting but understanding the process and leveraging resources like Form 9423 can help resolve these issues effectively. By taking prompt and informed action, taxpayers can work towards reinstating their agreements and maintaining compliance with the IRS. Remember, proactive communication and timely intervention are crucial in managing financial obligations and avoiding escalated measures by the IRS. Through careful attention to detail and adherence to the steps outlined in this guide, taxpayers can navigate the appeals process with confidence and achieve a favorable resolution.

Important Tip: Not sure where to begin? Try our Tax Relief Finder tool. It helps you find IRS programs and gives recommendations for the best solution. Learn about our - Tax Relief Program Finder
Important Tip: Understanding the Tax-Relief process is an essential resource for individuals dealing with tax debt. It offers a road map guide, simplifying the steps needed to resolve tax-related issues- Tax-Relief Process
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