CP Notices

Form 668W, Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income, is a legal document issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to an employer or other third-party holder of a taxpayer’s income. The form instructs the recipient to withhold a portion of the taxpayer’s wages or other income and send it to the IRS to satisfy a delinquent tax debt.

  Reasons why it happened:
  • Failure to pay federal income taxes
  • Failure to pay federal payroll taxes
  • Failure to pay federal excise taxes
  • Failure to pay federal estate or gift taxes
Options for responding:
  • If you receive Form 668W, it is important to contact the IRS immediately to discuss your tax liability and payment options. The IRS may be willing to work with you to set up a payment plan or reduce the amount of your levy.

How to stop a levy

  • There are a few ways to stop a levy. One way is to pay your tax debt in full. Another way is to enter into a payment agreement with the IRS. If you are unable to pay your tax debt in full, you may be able to request a hardship levy. A hardship levy is a reduced levy that is based on your ability to pay.
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