Innocent Spouse

Innocent Spouse
Innocent Spouse Relief is designed to relieve an innocent spouse from joint and several liability for the understated taxes or erroneous items on a joint tax return. This relief extends beyond issues related to tax refunds and covers the overall tax liability.

Steps you need to know:

1. Determine Eligibility: Before starting the application process, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for Innocent Spouse Relief:

  •  Your spouse failed to report income or claimed improper deductions.
  •  Your signature was forged, or you were unaware of inaccuracies when signing the joint return.
  •  You were divorced, separated, or your spouse passed away during the tax year in question.
  •  Your spouse earned income through illegal activities.
  • 2. Explore Relief Options: Understand the three relief options provided by Innocent Spouse Relief:

    1. Innocent Spouse Relief:  Relief for additional tax resulting from your spouse’s misreported income or improper deductions.
    2. Separation of Liability Relief:  Allocation of additional tax between you and your spouse for items incorrectly reported on the joint return.
    3. Equitable Relief:  Applicable when you don’t qualify for the above options due to something not reported properly on the joint return.
    3. Gather Documentation: Collect necessary documents to support your claim:

  •  Medical records.
  •  Financial documents.
  •  Affidavits from family members.
  •  Proof that you were not an authorized signer on certain accounts.
  • 4. Complete Form 8857: Initiate the relief process by completing and signing Form 8857. Pay attention to key lines:

    1. Line 2:  Check “Yes” if you need Injured Spouse Relief and complete Form 8379 separately.
    2. Line 6:  Be cautious about personal information disclosure. Redact sensitive details if needed.
    3. Line 24:  Provide additional information to help the IRS assess the fairness of holding you accountable.
    5. Submit Your Application: The IRS addresses may have changed; therefore, we advise you to make sure to verify the correct address by contacting the IRS directly.
    6. Monitor Your Claim: Be patient as the IRS reviews your Form 8857. This process may take up to six months. Check the status of your claim during this period.
    7. Appeal a Denial (if necessary): If your claim is denied, you have the right to appeal. Use Form 12203 and act within 30 days of denial to ensure a timely review.
    Additional Tips for Filing Form 8857:

    1. Provide Evidence and Documents:  Submit any evidence or documents supporting your claim. This might include medical records, financial records, affidavits, and proof of limited access to funds.
    2. Request Injured Spouse Relief if Applicable:  If you believe you are entitled to Injured Spouse Relief, check “Yes” on Line 2 of Form 8857 and complete Form 8379 separately.
    3. Protect Your Privacy:  Be mindful of personal information disclosure on Line 6. If you’re concerned about privacy, redact or black out any unnecessary details.
    4. Include Relevant Facts on Line 24:  Use Line 24 to provide additional information that can assist the IRS in determining the fairness of holding you accountable. Include facts about your spouse’s tax deception or fraud, if applicable.
    5. Write a Letter if Necessary:  If your situation requires additional explanation, consider writing a letter detailing the circumstances. Attach it to Form 8857 along with supporting documents.
    Important Considerations:

    Time Limits for Filing:
  •  File for Innocent Spouse or Separation of Liability Relief within 2 years of the IRS initiating collection activity.
  •  For Equitable Relief, submit your request during the 10-year period in which the IRS can collect the tax from you.
  •  Refund requests should adhere to statutory periods.

    Processing Time:
  •  Be aware that the IRS may take up to six months to process, review, and respond to your request.
  • Innocent Spouse Relief vs. Injured Spouse Allocation: Understanding the Difference:

    Innocent Spouse Relief:
  • Purpose:  Innocent Spouse Relief, on the other hand, has a broader purpose. It is designed to relieve an innocent spouse from joint and several liability for the understated taxes or erroneous items on a joint tax return. This relief extends beyond issues related to tax refunds and covers the overall tax liability.

    Injured Spouse Allocation:
  • Purpose:  The primary goal of Injured Spouse Allocation is to protect the innocent spouse from the offset of a joint tax refund to cover the separate debts of their partner. It is a mechanism to ensure that the innocent spouse receives their rightful share of the tax refund.
  • Scope:  Injured Spouse Allocation specifically addresses situations where a joint tax refund is intercepted due to the financial obligations of one spouse.

    More on this topic, Click Here
  • Important Tip: Before submitting an application for any of the IRS's tax programs, you should make sure that you are in complete compliance and carefully review this information. - Click Here for compliance
    Resource Links:

  • More resource links. -  Click Here for more resource
  • Conclusion: Applying for Innocent Spouse Relief is a detailed process, and seeking professional advice is recommended. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview, but consulting with a tax professional can ensure your unique circumstances are adequately addressed.
    Important Tip: Not sure where to begin? Try our Tax Relief Finder tool. It helps you find IRS programs and gives recommendations for the best solution. Learn about our - Tax Relief Program Finder
    Important Tip: Understanding the Tax-Relief process is an essential resource for individuals dealing with tax debt. It offers a road map guide, simplifying the steps needed to resolve tax-related issues- Tax-Relief Process
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