CP Notices

IRS Letter 2205 is a notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) informing a taxpayer that their federal income tax return has been selected for an audit. The letter will include the name of the IRS auditor assigned to the case, as well as the contact information for the auditor. If you receive IRS Letter 2205, it means that the IRS will be reviewing your tax return to verify the accuracy of the information you reported. The auditor may request additional documentation to support the items on your return.



Reasons why it happened:

  • Mathematical errors on your tax return
  • Inconsistencies between the information on your tax return and other IRS records
  • Unusually high deductions or credits
  • Claims for losses from businesses or hobbies
  • Information reported to the IRS by third parties



What to do:

  • Contact the IRS auditor as soon as possible to schedule an audit appointment.
  • Gather all of the documentation that supports the information on your tax return.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about your tax return.
  • If you are not comfortable representing yourself during the audit, you can hire a tax professional to represent you.

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