Prerequisites for the Currently Not Collectible

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When it comes to taxes, there’s a way out for folks dealing with financial hardship—it’s called Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status. In this detailed guide, we’ll break down what CNC status means, who qualifies for it, and how it can provide relief for those struggling with tax debts. To qualify for CNC status, you’ve got to show that paying your taxes would cause you serious financial trouble. Here’s what the IRS looks at to decide if you qualify:


  1. Statute of Limitations: Individuals nearing the end of the IRS’s 10-year statute for tax debt collection may qualify for CNC status. This temporal constraint underscores the urgency of addressing tax debt promptly to avoid adverse consequences.
  2. Income Threshold: The IRS sets an income threshold, typically $84,000 annually, for CNC status eligibility. This threshold recognizes varying income levels across taxpayers and extends relief to those struggling to meet basic needs amidst financial challenges.
  3. Living Expenses: Adherence to IRS-prescribed living expense guidelines is essential. These guidelines encompass essential expenses such as food, housing, healthcare, and transportation, ensuring that taxpayers’ basic needs are accurately reflected in CNC status evaluations.
  4. Financial Strain: Individuals must demonstrate limited financial resources after covering essential living expenses to qualify for CNC status. This criterion underscores the inability to afford tax payments without sacrificing necessities, thus warranting relief.
  5. Limited Income Sources: Sole reliance on Social Security benefits, welfare benefits, or unemployment benefits signifies severe financial distress, potentially qualifying individuals for CNC status. The IRS acknowledges the constraints of limited income sources in meeting tax obligations.
  6. Unemployment: Unemployment, especially without alternative income streams, indicates acute financial hardship and may warrant consideration for CNC status. The loss of employment can significantly impact an individual’s ability to meet tax obligations, necessitating relief.


Examining CNC Financial Considerations:

Upon approval for CNC status, individuals undergo comprehensive financial evaluations, scrutinizing income, expenses, and overall financial stability. The IRS utilizes a “closing code” system to monitor financial changes, ensuring timely reviews and adjustments.

Income Evaluation: The IRS evaluates various income sources, including wages, interest, dividends, distributions, and others, to determine CNC status eligibility accurately. A comprehensive understanding of income sources is crucial for accurate assessment and determination of relief eligibility.

Expense Assessment: Standardized living expense data, outlined in the IRS’s “collection financial standards,” forms the basis of expense evaluation. However, individuals should be mindful of expense limitations to optimize allowances accurately. Understanding expense evaluation nuances is essential for maximizing relief eligibility.



Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status offers a vital lifeline for individuals grappling with tax debt burdens. By comprehending eligibility criteria, financial considerations, and practical strategies outlined in this guide, individuals can navigate the CNC status process effectively, striving towards financial respite and stability amidst challenging circumstances.

Important Tip: Not sure where to begin? Try our Tax Relief Finder tool. It helps you find IRS programs and gives recommendations for the best solution. Learn about our - Tax Relief Program Finder
Important Tip: Understanding the Tax-Relief process is an essential resource for individuals dealing with tax debt. It offers a road map guide, simplifying the steps needed to resolve tax-related issues- Tax-Relief Process
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