Resource for all things Tax-Relief

Terms and Conditions of Usage

TaxDebtMonster, LLC is the owner of the domain you are now browsing. You acknowledge that you have had a chance to read and fully understand these Terms of Service by using this website, and that by doing so you are entering into a legally binding agreement to adhere by the Terms of Service set out herein.

This Website Usage Agreement (“Agreement”) governs your access to and use of the websites (“Websites” or each separately “Website”) owned and controlled by TaxDebtMonster, LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries. Your use of any products, services, or facilities made available via the Websites (collectively, the “Services”) shall likewise be subject to this Agreement. You also agree to be governed by our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference, whenever you access, browse, or use the Websites. To the maximum extent allowed by the law of any state, you acknowledge and agree that you have been supplied with, have received, and are consenting to any disclosure and consent obligations. By consenting to continue with any Service that includes extra terms, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by those additional terms, whether they are shown alongside or linked to from within the Terms of Service for that Service.

  • Users of the Websites and/or the Services, including any third parties on whose behalf such users are acting with regard to the Websites and/or the Services, are collectively referred to in this Agreement as “you” or “your.”
  • When we talk about “Tax Debt Monster,” “we,” or “us,” we’re referring to TaxDebtMonster, LLC and any of its related or affiliated companies.
  • For the purposes of this definition, “Tax Debt” includes, but is not limited to, any and all associated products and services for which you make an inquiry via the Tax Debt Monster websites.
  • “Professional(s)” refers to tax preparers, tax attorneys, financial institutions, tax consultants, service providers, tax resolutions companies, tax relief companies, dealers, agents, brokers, and other entities that offer products and services through Tax Debt Monster’s Websites. However, the definition of “Professional” is not limited to just these categories and may include others as well.
  • The phrase “Tax Relief Finder” pertains to your request to be matched with programs, method, providers of any of the goods and services that you may be linked to via Tax Debt Monster’s Websites. You may make this request by filling out the “Tax Relief Finder” form on the Tax Debt Monster website.

Our licenses are detailed in the section under “Licenses and Disclosures,” which is referred to throughout this Agreement for the purpose of inclusion by reference.

The Websites and this Agreement (or any part thereof) may be modified, revised, or otherwise altered at any time in our sole discretion. As soon as they are published on the Websites, the revised terms take effect. By continuing to use the Websites or the Services after any such changes or revisions have been made, you agree to be bound by the revised terms and conditions. Visitors to the Websites must be at least 18 years old and located in the United States of America. To use or access the Websites, you must confirm that you are at least 18 years old and that you are physically located in the United States of America.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy, which is a component of our technology platforms and all of our services and products, describes how We handle the information you provide to us and how we distribute ,store, safeguard, and utilize it.

Consumer Information Security Policy

The terms of our Consumer Information Security Policy are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference and describe the safeguards we have in place to secure the information you supply to us.

Electronic information delivery and electronic communications-notices  

This Agreement incorporates by reference our Consent Agreement for Electronic Disclosures and Communications, which describes your consent to receive all notifications, disclosures, messages, and information from us and our Providers in electronic form in the future. Use of this site after being notified of this Agreement is proof of acceptance and consent to be bound by its terms.

Trademark, Copyright, and Service Mark Notices

All information (including, but not limited to, text, images, pictures, videos, sound, trademarks, logos, artwork, interfaces, and computer code) shown on the Websites (collectively, the “Content”) is either owned by or licensed to Tax Debt Monster. Trademark, copyright, patent, and other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws all apply to the Content and serve to safeguard it from unauthorized use or copying. Except as otherwise provided herein, you may not download (other than page caching) or copy (other than page caching) any part of the Websites or Content, nor may you transmit (other than page caching) any part of the Websites or Content, or any part of the Content, to any other computer, server, website, or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without Tax Debt Monster’s prior written permission. Please note that your use of the Websites does not give you any rights to the Content.

Liability and Disclaimers





The inclusion or offering of any product or service on the Websites is not an endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by us. This information, along with any associated products or services, are provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind.



By using the Websites or Services, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Tax Debt Monster and its officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors-in-interest, licensors, employees, agents, subsidiaries, and affiliates (“Tax Det Monster Parties”) from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) and damages arising out of or relating to your use of the Websites or Services, your violation of any third party You cannot reach a settlement of any such claim or dispute without Tax Debt Monster’s express written permission. You undertake to fully cooperate with the Tax Debt Monster Parties in the defense of any such claims and the Tax Debt Monster Parties retain the right, at their own cost, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify them.

Limitation on Damages

If Tax Debt Monster is found liable, it will only be responsible for the amount specified below, which covers all reasonably foreseeable direct damages. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, in no event shall TAX DEBT MONSTER’S total liability exceed U.S. $100.00, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or anticipated profits or lost business, loss of or damage to data, or emotional distress. EVEN IF THIS REMEDY DOES NOT FULLY COMPENSATE YOU FOR ANY LOSSES OR FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR IF WE KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF THE DAMAGES, THESE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS WILL APPLY. These limitations and exclusions apply to any claims arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Services to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Links connected to Third Party Websites

Links to other websites hosted by third parties may be found on the Websites. These resources are meant for informational and illustrative purposes only. Any data, programs, or services provided by unaffiliated third-party websites are completely outside of our sphere of influence and control. When we provide a link to another website, we are not in any way endorsing the services or the website, its contents, or its supporting organization. The third parties responsible for managing such websites may impose additional terms and conditions on your use of their sites. You acknowledge that We are not liable for any direct or indirect technical or system difficulties arising out of your access to or use of third-party technologies or programs offered through any website to which you go through the Websites.

Delays and Errors

You acknowledge and agree that Tax Debt Monster is not responsible for any errors or delays in responding to a request or referral form that may be caused, including but not limited to, an incorrect email address or other information provided by you or other technical issues that are beyond our reasonable control.

Governing Law, Waivers, Limitations and Dispute Resolution

You and us both agree that any disagreement about our websites, content, or services (collectively, “DISPUTE”) will be resolved exclusively by binding individual arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules. Arbitration shall take place in the state of our choosing; the arbitrator(s) shall have no authority to depart from the law; and the arbitrator(s) shall make all reasonable efforts to expedite the arbitration proceedings and to limit discovery. Your right to a trial by jury is being waived, and you agree that you will not be able to litigate any such dispute in court. Without giving effect to any conflicts of laws principles, you and we both agree that all or any cost will be paid by you and our legal cost will be paid by you. You agree to the exclusive personal jurisdiction by, and venue in, the state and federal courts located in the state of our choosing and you waive any objection to such jurisdiction or venue. This includes any post-arbitration confirmation proceedings.

You acknowledge that any arbitration hereunder shall be conducted independently and shall not be consolidated with any arbitration involving any other party hereto. Arbitration proceedings must be conducted on an individual basis. You may not participate in any arbitration as a representative or member of a class, or as a private attorney general, and you may not litigate any claims in court or arbitrate any claims on behalf of a class.

You acknowledge and agree that any disagreement or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, or validity thereof shall be deemed a Dispute subject to the arbitration provisions herein and shall be handled by an arbitrator.

You also acknowledge and agree that you have one year from the later of (1) the time the dispute or cause of action accrues or (2) the time when you should have known about the accrual of the cause of action in order to commence any dispute or cause of action arising out of or related to the Websites, Services, or Content. In any other case, such a claim would be permanently barred.

This Agreement (including all policies, agreements, and other provisions that are referenced or incorporated) constitutes the entire agreement between you and Tax Debt Monster and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements or other communications between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement also incorporates all policies, agreements, and other provisions that are referenced or incorporated. In the event that there is a discrepancy between the language of this Terms of Use Agreement and the language of any terms that have been incorporated by reference, the language of the terms that have been incorporated by reference shall govern and control.

By entering into this Agreement, you acknowledge adn agree that you are not relying on any representation, guarantee, warranty, statement, or promise, express or implied, that is not expressly set out in this Agreement, and you hereby waive any claimed reliance on same. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, you agree that such provision shall be modified to the maximum extent possible to make it enforceable with respect to the Dispute at issue and to reflect, to the maximum extent possible, the intent of the existing language of the provision when considered in the context of this Agreement as a whole, and that such modified provision shall be enforced with respect to the underlying claims in the Dispute.

Terms Applicable to All Services

We provide instructional information, content and administer online marketplaces that enable customers to evaluate and locate tax relief programs for financial goods and services supplied by Tax Debt Monster’s network of Suppliers, providers on Tax Debt Monster’s We

By electronically signing and submitting a Eligibility Form through a Tax Debt Monster Website, you are indicating that you wish to be contacted by Providers and giving your express written consent that Tax Debt Monster, a third party on Tax Debt Monster’s behalf, and Tax Debt Monster’s Network Partners with whom you are matched may deliver calls or texts to you, including for marketing purposes. You acknowledge that by granting this agreement, you are agreeing to receive such calls even if your number is included on any applicable federal, state, municipal, internal, or corporate Do-Not-Call (“DNC”) Lists. You recognize that your agreement to receive such messages is voluntary and not a requirement for utilizing Tax Debt Monster’s services.

In providing your email address, you agree that Tax Debt Monster, its affiliates, and its Providers may contact you through email at the address you supplied or at any additional email addresses linked with you that we get from Providers or other parties. You agree that any such email will not be deemed spam or illegal under any applicable local, state, or federal law or regulation, and that you will receive such emails. Until you choose to revoke your permission by withdrawing your consent as detailed below, you accept that the consents contained above are valid and effective.

You have the option to discontinue receiving phone calls from Tax Debt Monster at any time by contacting the company via any of the following appropriate channels: (1) sending an email to [email protected] to state in writing that you no longer wish to be contacted by Tax Debt Monster and are canceling your permission to be contacted; (2) notifying a Tax Debt Monster customer support agent that you no longer wish to be contacted by Tax Debt Monster and are rescinding your consent to be contacted; or (3) replying to any SMS, mobile, or text message you receive from Tax Debt Monster in conformance with the express written You are free to change your chosen form of communication at any time by sending an email to the address [email protected]. You acknowledge that in the event that you no longer want to receive messages from a specific Provider, it is your responsibility to tell that Provider directly. You also acknowledge that Tax Debt Monster is not liable for a Provider’s failure to comply with your or our orders to cease contacting you, even if those directions are to stop communicating with you.

To be clear, Tax Debt Monster is not a legal service, a tax preparation service, a tax resolution firm, a tax settlement service, or any other kind of tax-related business. You should not consider Tax Debt Monster to be an agent of yours or any Provider’s. Tax Debt Monster is not operating as your agent or the agent of any Provider, except as may be required by law in your jurisdiction (for more information, see the Licenses section of the Websites). Basically, Tax Debt Monster just helps you out behind the scenes. You acknowledge that you will make your own decisions about the most appropriate product, programs, terms, and Provider, regardless of any messages or information you receive from Tax Debt Monster. We are not liable for any decisions you make or the utilization of information on our website

In no way does submitting a Eligibility Form constitute an application for tax related services on our part. This is not a request for unconditional offers, but rather a search for available tax relief programs and providers that can meet those needs. You acknowledge that Tax Debt Monster is not responsible for any damages or expenses of any kind arising out of or in any way related with your use of any Provider’s services or your contacts with any Provider, and that the Provider alone is responsible for its services to you. Whether or not you are approved for a product or complete an official application for services with a Provider, you understand that the Provider may keep the information you provide on the Eligibility Form and any other information provided by Tax Debt Monster or received by them in processing your Qualification Form.

Your submission of an Eligibility Form does not constitute an application for tax services from us. Instead, it’s a request to find tax relief programs and providers that may make conditional offers based on your eligibility for tax relief programs. You acknowledge and agree that the Provider is solely responsible for its services to you, and that Tax Debt Monster is not responsible for any damages or expenses of any sort arising out of or in any way related with your use of such services or your interactions with any Provider. You agree that Providers, regardless of whether you are approved for a program or complete a formal application for services, may retain your information from the Eligibility Form and any other information given by Tax Debt Monster or received by them in processing your Eligibility Form.

You acknowledge and agree that a commercial relationship has been created between you and Tax Debt Monster when you “submit” information, create an account, or register for Services via our Websites. You agree that Tax Debt Monster, its affiliates, and persons calling on Tax Debt Monster’s behalf may contact you using information you provided with information and offers of services available through Tax Debt Monster and the Websites and that Tax Debt Monster may send your information to certain affiliates and third parties as provided in the Privacy Policy. You further authorize Tax Debt Monster to store all such information and to contact you via live or recorded calls to discuss, provide, or remind you of any information regarding your submission, including but not limited to, incomplete Eligibility Forms, the identification of matched Providers, deadlines, quality of services, and other matters related to your Eligibility Form.

Furthermore, the information you offer us must be stored and securely preserved in accordance with the requirements of various state and federal laws, and cannot be deleted or otherwise disposed of before the end of the applicable retention term. However, there are times when providers must provide Tax Debt Monster access to the data you supply to them so that they may comply with the law. If you supply or Tax Debt Monster receives information about you from a third party, both parties may keep and use the data for marketing and analytical purposes. By submitting an enquiry form, you provide Tax Debt Monster and the chosen Provider your written approval and consent to use the information you provide for these specified reasons.

To comply with state and federal reporting and record keeping laws, your information may also be collected from Providers after a match has been made. You grant Tax Debt Monster and its collaborating Providers permission to disclose such information as necessary.

We will not guarantee admittance, acceptance into any particular program or specific terms or conditions with any Provider; approval requirements are completely created and maintained by individual Providers. In a similar vein, we can not guarantee that the tax relief programs provided by Providers contain tax relief, tax reductions, tax services that are accessible, or the amount that the Providers will eventually charge for their services. An offer of conditional tax relief programs made by a Provider may be subject to the Internal Revenue Service and other tax regulations, as well as restrictions, approval, and qualifying requirements. The costs actually given by Providers may be more or lower based on your overall tax status, the amount of tax debt you owe, and tax program factors (if applicable), including but not limited to income/asset consideration, including but not limited to descension of the IRS. Nothing in this document should be construed as an offer or commitment for any of the tax relief programs or providers’ services unless it is clearly mentioned in writing. It’s possible that some providers won’t provide all of the programs, and others won’t offer them in every state. It is possible that you will not be matched with the Provider who is offering any particular offer. You will be responsible for paying any related tax services fees if you choose to enter into an agreement with any Provider with whom you are matched on our Websites. If you do so, you will be responsible for their fees(such as their fees, provider fees). The fees charged by the Provider are not our responsibility in any way.

By clicking on any button implying an acceptance or agreement to terms, a continuance of processing, or submission (collectively, a “submission”), you understand that you are consenting, acknowledging, and agreeing to the stated terms and conditions of that submission. In addition, you are submitting an inquiry for a Programs and Service through Tax Debt Monster to each of the Providers to whom your Tax Relief request is transmitted. You are also indicating that you are consenting, acknowledging, and agreeing to receive notices, disclosures, and other communications (“Disclosures and Communications”) in electronic form (either by email or via the Internet), as provided for in the Consent for Electronic Disclosures and Communications from Tax Debt Monster and its Providers. This is done when you indicate that you are consenting to receive notices, disclosures, and other communications (“Disclosures and Communications”) in electronic form (either by email or via the Internet

Financial Education Content Terms

On our websites, we offer material, articles, tools and resources that may help you improve your financial education, learn about tax debt programs, and have a better understanding of how certain financial actions might have an effect on your overall financial well-being. We only provide these resources with the intent of giving information, education, and enjoyment; under no circumstances do we offer advice or advise on legal matters, financial matters, investment decisions, tax debt, tax services, anything tax, or medical matters Advertisements that you see on these sites may come from businesses who pay us to do so. The placement and ordering of these offers might be affected by financial incentives. Not every possible tax debt scheme or financial offer will be included on our websites.

Reviews  & Ratings  and User-Generated Content

You may provide user-generated material for several Tax Debt Monster websites.By posting anything to these sites or any Tax Debt Monster-affiliated social media page, you confirm, warrant ,and represent that:

  • You are the only author and owner of the intellectual property rights pertaining to the work;
  • you knowingly and freely relinquish any “moral rights” you may have in such material and that you may have in connection with such material;
  • all of the information, content you provide is true;
  • you must be at least 13 years old; and
  • the use of the content you provide will not violate with this Agreement or be harmful to any person or entity.
  • Also, you agree and warrant that you won’t submit any content that violates our agreement and mentioned above:
  • that you are aware is not true, incorrect, or not in the interest of the readers or our agreement;
  • that violates, infringes any third party’s patent, trademark ,copyright, trade secret or other rights or proprietary rights  of publicity or privacy;
  • that is in contravention of any applicable law, legislation, statute, ordinance, or regulation (such as those pertaining to export control,anti-discrimination, unfair competition, consumer protection, or misleading advertising);
  • that is, or could reasonably be regarded to be, defamatory, bigoted, racially libelous, or religiously prejudiced or insulting, illegally threatening, or unlawfully harassing to any individual, partnership, corporation or company;
  • on the basis on which you received payment, compensation, grants from, or favor from, any third party;
  • that encompasses any information that refers to other websites, addresses, email addresses, contact information, or telephone numbers; or
  • containing malicious software, computer viruses, worms or data with the potential to cause harm, damage to a computer system files or computer programs.

You agree to indemnify and hold Tax Debt Monster (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, employees and third-party service providers) harmless from any and all claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of any breach by you of your representations and warranties set forth above, this Agreement, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.

We reserve the right to use any of the content that you send us in any way we see fit. We retain the right to alter, compress, or remove any content on any website or social media property that we judge, in our sole discretion, to violate the content standards or any other aspect of these Conditions of Use. These changes may include but are not limited to the following: We cannot promise that you will have the ability to change or remove any of the content that you have contributed in any circumstance. Ratings and written comments are typically placed on the ratings and reviews site anywhere from two to four business days after they have been submitted. We are not obligated to post any submissions, and we retain the right to remove or decline to post any entry for any reason. You acknowledge that the content of your contribution is solely your responsibility and not the responsibility of Tax Debt Monster. We, our agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, or third-party service providers, as well as their respective directors, officers, and employees, are not obligated to keep any of the content that you submit a secret under any circumstances. This includes the content’s directors, officers, and employees.

This consent is implied when you submit content or submit your email address in connection with your rating and review. You acknowledge that Tax Debt Monster and its third-party service providers or the entity being reviewed may use your email address to contact you about the status of your review and for other administrative purposes if you submit content or provide your email address in connection with your rating and review.

How Our Compensation Is Determined

Tax Debt Monster receives payment from Providers in the form of a marketing lead generating charge in exchange for the provision of products, facilities, and services. Your use of the Websites and/or the services offered by Tax Debt Monster indicates that you have read and agree to be bound, constitutes  by this compensation arrangement.

Terms & Conditions Applicable to Personal Tax Debt Monster

When you sign up for a Personal Tax Debt Monster account (either on its own or in conjunction with the submission of a Qualification Form), you acknowledge that you are aware of Tax Debt Monster’s policy regarding the collection and use of information it obtains about you from other sources and give your consent to the policy. By registering with Personal Tax Debt Monster, you are providing express written instructions that we may use and analyze your information in the following ways: to (a) present you with an overview of your financial profile and tax situation, including detailed information where it is available; to (b) provide you with personalized recommendations and general information about you; and/or to (c) serve you targeted advertisements and other communications based on your information; and to (d) identify affiliate and non-affiliate businesses. Your financials and any other information that pertains to taxes may be included in this information; nevertheless, it is possible that this list is not exhaustive. You are providing express written consent for us to maintain and share information provided by you, and about you by third parties, for the purpose of assisting with litigation, regulatory request(s), law enforcement request(s), internal analytics, marketing purposes, and any other purpose that is legally permissible. This consent will remain in effect for as long as you maintain a Personal Tax Debt Monster account.

Terms Applicable to Tax Attorney, Tax Resolution, Tax Relief, Tax Settlement Companies

By pressing, tabbing, clicking on any button imply, indicating an acknowledgement/acceptance  or agreement to terms, a continuance of submission or processing  (jointly, collectively, a “submission”), along and including with any submission made in connection with an Eligibility Form for other Tax Debt Monster products or services on which you indicate and clearly show your desire to be connected with a third party, Tax Attorney, Tax Resolution, Tax Relief, or Tax Settlement Companies, you acknowledge and understand that you are agreeing to the terms and conditions that have been stated. This includes any submission made in connection with an Eligibility Form for other Tax You give Tax Debt Monster permission to provide your personal information to companies that specialize in tax representation, tax resolution, tax relief, and tax settlement. You further understand and agree that by choosing and selecting a Tax Attorney, Tax Resolution, Tax Relief, Tax Settlement Companies or other provider, you are giving express written consent for them to contact you by telephone at the numbers (whether cellular or landline or text )  you have provided, including for marketing purposes, and you hereby consent to any such calls even if your phone number is on the Do Not Call list. You further understand and agree that by selecting a Tax Attorney, Tax Resolution, Tax Relief, Tax Settlement Companies or other provider, you are providing express written consent

Terms Applicable to Widgets

Widgets are a type of website add-on that facilitates user interaction with material hosted on other servers. To facilitate access to the Websites, Content, and Services from locations other than the Websites, Tax Debt Monster publishes widgets (the “Widgets”). Widgets can be embedded on websites, blogs, social network and media site user profiles (where allowed by the site in question), and similar platforms. Widgets are not permitted on websites, platforms, or devices that include sexually explicit, offensive, misleading, or unlawful material or content that promotes or encourages hatred, violence, discrimination, or illegal actions, as decided by Tax Debt Monster in its sole discretion. You must only use the Widgets for legitimate, lawful purposes and in a way that complies with all existing laws. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to award you any rights, title, or interest in the Widgets, Websites, Content, or Services, and you may not use the Widgets for any purpose other than those expressly permitted by us. Any Widget may be removed or demanded to be removed by Tax Debt Monster, and your permission to use any Widget may be revoked at any time and for any cause.

You agree to be legally bound by the following when you access and use any Widget (including when you copy any Widget’s HTML code):

  • The Widget(s) may only be used and displayed by you on your own, personally-operated website, and not in any other form, medium or manner.
  • No Widget may be altered in any way by the user. You may not alter any of the code provided by Tax Debt Monster, hide or disable any part of any Widget, add the “nofollow” attribute to any links to Tax Debt Monster contained within the Widget, or take any other action that could negatively affect the Widget’s PageRank or the PageRank of Tax Debt Monster.
  • You agree not to make any claims, guarantees, representations, or warranties (express or implied) about Tax Debt Monster, our Websites, Services, or Providers other than the display of the Widget.
  • Any use of a Widget that may be construed as a partnership with, affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement of Tax Debt Monster is strictly prohibited.
  • In addition to accurately referencing Tax Debt Monster and its products and services, you must embed the Widget on a page that is relevant to its content. Tax issues, tax debt, tax settlement, tax negotiation, tax relief, tax resolution, personal finance, finance, and tax-related topics are all good candidates for Widget placement.
  • You are not permitted to embed, post, install, place the Widget on any site that features content that is illegal, dangerous, obscene, harassing, or offensive on the basis of race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics. In addition, you may not embed the Widget on any website that is illegal, violates Tax Debt Monster’s intellectual property or other rights, or otherwise is harmful to Tax Debt Monster, our Services, or the products/services of Providers on our network.
  • You are granted a limited, nonexclusive, revocable license by Tax Debt Monster to (i)download and display the Widget on your website in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and (ii)use our logos, trademarks, trade names, and other intellectual property contained in the Widget on your website in connection with the Widget. The restricted authority to display the Widget given above does not give you any right in any Tax Debt Monster code, content, logos, or trademarks. You acknowledge that Tax Debt Monster may revoke or change the terms of your license to use the Widget at any time. We have the right to alter the Widgets at any moment. At any moment, at our discretion, we may stop displaying data from the Widget.
  • To ensure compliance with this Agreement, you accept that Tax Debt Monster may crawl or otherwise monitor your website.
  • Tax Debt Monster makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied by law, with respect to any Widget, including, but not limited to, any representations or warranties of accuracy or non-infringement, and provides the Widget and all related information, software, and services “as is” without warranty. Widgets should be used at the user’s own discretion and risk. Tax Debt Monster shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to, actual, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, resulting in whole or in part, from any breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of any Widget.
  • Tax Debt Monster may, at any time and without prior notice, modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and it is your responsibility to check for such modifications on a regular basis. Your continued use of any Widget beyond the effective date of such modifications will imply acceptance and assent to such changes.

Data Collection, Usage, and Opt-Out

We value your privacy at, and this section outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information.

CCPA Privacy Rights:

California residents have specific privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These rights include the right to know what personal information is collected, used, and shared, as well as the right to request deletion of personal information collected by us.

Opt-Out of Sale: respects your right to control the sale of your personal information. If you do not want us to sell your personal information to third parties, you can opt-out by clicking the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link provided below.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information

CPRA Enhancements:

In addition to CCPA, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) grants further rights and protections. These include the right to correct inaccurate personal information, providing an additional layer of control over your data.

Sensitive Personal Information:

We are committed to handling sensitive personal information with the utmost care and will only process such data where strictly necessary.

Third-Party Data Sales: may engage in the sale of personal information to third parties. To exercise your right to opt-out of such sales, please use the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link provided below.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Children’s Privacy:

Our services are not directed toward individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children, and if you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us to request deletion.

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

In compliance with CPRA requirements, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at [email protected].

Data Breach Notification:

In the event of a data breach, will notify affected users and relevant authorities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 2023, and any updates will be reflected on this page. For further information about our privacy practices, please review our complete Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please contact us at [email protected].

Prohibited Uses and Restrictions

To maintain the integrity of the Tax Debt Monster platform and ensure a positive user experience, users are expected to adhere to the following prohibitions and restrictions:

  1. Unauthorized Access: Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to Tax Debt Monster’s websites, databases, or systems is strictly prohibited. Users must respect the boundaries of our platform and refrain from engaging in any unauthorized activities.

  2. Misuse of Content: Unauthorized copying, distribution, or sharing of any content on Tax Debt Monster, including text, images, and multimedia, is strictly prohibited. All materials are protected by intellectual property laws.

  3. Malicious Activities: Engaging in any form of malicious activities, such as hacking, phishing, or spreading malware on Tax Debt Monster, is strictly forbidden. Users found involved in such activities will face legal consequences.

  4. Impersonation: Users are prohibited from impersonating any individual, company, or entity on Tax Debt Monster. This includes creating accounts or profiles that falsely represent affiliation with Tax Debt Monster.

  5. Harassment and Discrimination: Harassment, discrimination, or any form of abusive behavior towards other Tax Debt Monster users, employees, or affiliated parties is not tolerated. We prioritize maintaining a respectful and inclusive community.

  6. False Information: Providing false, inaccurate, or misleading information on Tax Debt Monster, especially in submissions, reviews, or user-generated content, is strictly prohibited. Users must ensure the accuracy of the information they share.

  7. Violation of Applicable Laws: Users shall not engage in activities on Tax Debt Monster that violate local, national, or international laws, including laws related to data protection, privacy, and consumer rights.

  8. Commercial Use without Authorization: Unauthorized commercial activities, such as advertising, promotions, or solicitation on Tax Debt Monster without express consent, are prohibited.

  9. Interference with Services: Users are not allowed to disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of Tax Debt Monster’s websites, services, or networks. Any attempts to compromise stability and security are strictly forbidden.

Violation of these prohibitions may result in the suspension or termination of user accounts on Tax Debt Monster, legal action, and other remedies deemed appropriate. Tax Debt Monster reserves the right to enforce these restrictions and take necessary actions to protect the integrity of its services.

TRF ( Tax Relief Finder ) Disclaimer: (“the Website”). This disclaimer outlines the terms and conditions governing your use of the services and tools provided on this platform, including but not limited to the Tax Relief Finder (TRF). Please read this disclaimer carefully, as your use of the Website signifies your acceptance of the terms herein.

1. Informational Purpose: The Tax Relief Finder (TRF) tools provided on this website are offered for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice. The programs listed in the TRF results are examples and do not imply official approval or endorsement by the IRS or our organization.

2. User Acknowledgment: By using the TRF tools, users acknowledge and agree that:

  • The information provided is not an exhaustive representation of all available IRS programs.
  • Programs on the TRF are not official IRS Program approvals. 
  • The TRF results are not guarantees of eligibility, and users should independently verify program details.
  • Our organization is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided.
  • Users should seek professional advice before making any decisions based on the TRF results.

3. Not an IRS Approval: Users further acknowledge that the information presented on, including the TRF results, does not constitute an official approval or endorsement by the IRS or our organization regarding any specific IRS programs.

4. Limitation of Liability: By clicking on the image or using the TRF tools, users expressly agree that our organization and its affiliates shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use or reliance on the TRF results.

5. Additional Terms and Conditions: For more detailed information and terms of use, users are encouraged to review the “Terms and Conditions” section of this website. The terms and conditions supplement and are integral to this disclaimer, providing further guidance on the usage policies and guidelines applicable to your interaction with the Website.

6. Accuracy of Information: While efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the Website, does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or currency. Information may be subject to change, and users should be aware of the dynamic nature of tax regulations.

7. Updates and Changes: reserves the right to update or change this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the disclaimer to stay informed about any modifications.

8. Jurisdictional Considerations: This disclaimer is drafted with general considerations in mind and may not account for specific legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Users are advised to consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Conclusion: Your use of and its services signifies your acceptance of the terms outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, we advise refraining from using the Website and its tools.

For any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at [[email protected]].

Terms Applicable to Financial Education Content

We offer content and tools on our Websites to enhance your financial education and understanding of how certain financial decisions may impact your financial well-being. These materials are provided for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. At no point do we offer legal, financial, investment, tax planning, or medical advice. You may encounter offers on these Websites from companies that compensate us. The compensation received may affect the location and order of these offers. Our Websites do not encompass the entire spectrum of available credit or financial offers.

Ratings & Reviews and User-Generated Content

On specific Websites associated with Tax Debt Monster, you can submit user-generated content. By submitting any content on these Websites or through any social media channel linked to Tax Debt Monster, you affirm that:

  • You are the sole author and owner of the intellectual property rights.
  • All “moral rights” related to the content have been voluntarily waived by you.
  • The posted content is accurate.
  • You are at least 13 years old.
  • Use of the content does not violate this Agreement and will not cause harm to any person or entity.

You also agree not to submit any content that is known to be false, inaccurate, or misleading; infringes on any third party’s intellectual property rights; violates any law or regulation; is defamatory, libelous, hateful, biased, offensive, threatening, or harassing; involves compensation from a third party; references other websites, addresses, contact information, or contains computer viruses.

You agree to indemnify and hold Tax Debt Monster and its entities harmless from all claims, demands, and damages arising from a breach of your representations and warranties, this Agreement, or violation of any law or third-party rights.

For any content you submit, you grant Tax Debt Monster a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable right and license to use, copy, modify, delete, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, sell, distribute, and incorporate the content into any form, medium, or technology worldwide without compensation.

All submitted content may be used at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to change, condense, or delete any content that violates content guidelines or other provisions of these Terms of Use. No guarantee is provided for editing or deleting any user-submitted content. Ratings and reviews are typically posted within two to four business days. We reserve the right to remove or refuse any submission for any reason. You acknowledge that you, not Tax Debt Monster, are responsible for the content of your submission. None of the submitted content is subject to any obligation of confidence on our part.

By submitting content or providing your email address for a rating and review, you agree that Tax Debt Monster and its third-party service providers or the entity being reviewed may use your email address to contact you about the status of your review and other administrative purposes.

How We Are Compensated

Tax Debt Monster receives a marketing lead generation fee from providers for the goods, facilities, and services provided. Your use of the Websites and/or Tax Debt Monster’s services constitutes your agreement with this compensation arrangement.

Additional Terms Applicable to Specific Financial Services & Products

We offer services to comparison shop for various financial services and products, including Tax products, Tax services, tax attornies, Tax Relief services, Tax Resolutions services, Bankcrupcy services, personal finance tools, and more.

Terms Applicable to Commercial Service Requests

Tax Debt Monster’s commercial service websites and services are designed for businesses and not intended for personal, family, or household use. We treat all personal information collected for commercial services as pertaining to individuals acting as business representatives.


Widgets published by Tax Debt Monster allow access to the Websites, Content, and Services from external points. Widgets may be placed on websites, blogs, online social network pages, and similar platforms. Widgets must be used in compliance with all applicable laws and solely for lawful purposes.

By accessing and using any Widget, you agree to display it only on a website you own and operate, without modifying the Widget. You may not make any representations, warranties, or statements concerning Tax Debt Monster, its Websites, Services, or Providers. You may not imply affiliation, sponsorship, or endorsement by Tax Debt Monster. Widgets may not be placed on sites containing inappropriate content or that violate any laws.

Tax Debt Monster grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable right to download/display the Widget solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement does not grant you any right to Tax Debt Monster’s code, content, logos, or trademarks beyond the limited permission to display the Widget. Tax Debt Monster reserves the right to terminate or modify your permission to display the Widget at any time. The Widgets may change at any time, and Tax Debt Monster may cease to return content from the Widget at its discretion.

You acknowledge that Tax Debt Monster may monitor your website to confirm compliance with this Agreement. The Widget and related services are provided “as is” without warranty, and Tax Debt Monster disclaims any warranties regarding accuracy or non-infringement. Your use of Widgets is at your own risk, and Tax Debt Monster is not liable for any damages arising from Widget use.

Tax Debt Monster reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time without notice, and your continued use of any Widget after changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Collection of Personal Information

Taxdebt Monster ( may collect certain personally identifiable information (“personal information”) about you when you visit our Website.  Examples of personal information we may collect include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, Etc. 

We also automatically collect certain non-personally identifiable information when you visit our Website, including, but not limited to, the type of browser you are using, the type of operating system you are using, the domain name of your Internet service provider, Etc.

Use of Personal Information

  • Providing tax resolution resources/services: We will use and disclose personal information in such a manner as we believe is reasonably necessary to provide our services. 
  • Managing client relationships: We may use personal information to provide Taxdebt Monster (com) clients with information on our services and updates that we consider may be relevant, arranging and hosting events, and identifying where we may make improvements in our services.
  • Client engagement:  We use personal information collected via online form submissions, phone, e-mail, etc. as part of our client onboarding process. We may use personal information to carry out certain background searches to establish a client relationship.

We typically will not contact you about other matters, unless you specifically request it, nor will we share, rent, or sell your personal information outside Taxdebt Mosnter (, except where we are required to share your information with any third parties who provide related services. It is possible, though unlikely, that we might be forced to disclose personal information in response to legal process or when we believe in good faith that the law requires it, for example, in response to a court order, subpoena, or a law enforcement agency’s request. We use non-personally identifiable information to analyze site usage (such as aggregated information on the pages visited by our users), which allows us to improve the design and content of our site. We cannot guarantee the privacy of personal information you transmit over the web or that may be collectible in transit by others, including contractors who provide services to Taxdebt Monster (

Third Party Sites

Our Website may contain links to other websites.  The data privacy practices of those third-party websites might differ from Taxdebt Monster ( You should consult the other website’s privacy notices for information on their privacy practices as Taxdebt Monster ( has no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by these third parties. We may use cookies for a number of purposes. For example, to maintain continuity during a user session, to gather Website Usage Data for research and other purposes, to store your preferences for certain kinds of information and marketing offers, or to store certain information so that you do not have to provide this information every time you return to our Website (s). Our cookies will track only your activity relating to your online activity on our Website and will not track your other Internet activity. You can decide if and how your computer will accept a cookies by configuring your preferences or options in your browser. However, if you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to use certain online products and services offered on the Website or certain features of our Website. When you register, and request services/product information or support, FORM collects your identifiers such as name, middle name, last name, e-mail, address, phone number, professional or employment-related information such as company name, title, etc. If you register for an account on and/or affiliate websites, we will also collect such identifiers as the username (your e-mail address by default) and password you create for your account. When you subscribe to our blog, FORM collects your identifier such as your e-mail address, first name, last name, etc. When you are subscribing to products of our subsidiaries and affiliates via their website FORM. The processing of your personal data is governed by the applicable privacy policies on their websites.

Taxdebt Monster ( will only use your personal information where we have a lawful basis to do so. Examples of how we might use your personal information:

We use the personal information you provide solely to respond to your inquiry or process an application form you have completed on various sections of our Website or affiliate Websites.

Taxdebt Monster ( may post information on our Website about programs and events that are sponsored by or co-sponsored by other organizations, partners, IRS, etc. If you choose to register through our Website for any of these events, Taxtdebt Monster ( will have no control over the third-party sponsors’ use of this information. 


Taxdebt Monster’s website and third parties with whom we have contracted to provide services to Taxdebt Monster ( may collect “Website Usage Data,” which is non-personally identifiable information relating to your use of our Website such as what Website pages you visit. The Website Usage Data could include your electronic device’s address, operating system version, type of computer, browser type, etc.  This data could also include demographic data, such as a Website visitor’s geographic location and more. To enhance your experience on our Website, we and our service providers may use tracking known as “cookies” on our Website.

Taxdebt Monster may occasionally use other companies to set cookies on our Website and gather Website Usage Data. In some cases, Taxdebt Monster may also use other companies to operate web servers for our Website.  Taxdebt Monster uses the cookie information gathered by these companies in the same manner as stated in this Privacy Policy.

Form Submits 

Collects information from individuals who visit and/or afiliate websites and proivide personal information (First name, Last name, e-mail, phone number, etc.) on our forms. Individuals who register to use our websites, and companies who obtain personal information in accordance with applicable laws and make it available to us by means of using our services and products (hereinafter “you” or “Customer”).

Terms & Conditions regarding Tax Debt Monster AI Chatbot

This document outlines the terms and conditions governing the use of the Tax Debt Monster AI Chatbot, hereinafter referred to as “Chatbot” or “Service.” By accessing or using the Chatbot, you agree to abide by these terms. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, refrain from using the Chatbot.

1. Purpose of the Chatbot:

The Chatbot is designed to provide educational content related to tax debt matters. It serves as a tool for users seeking information on tax-related topics. It is essential to note that the information provided by the Chatbot is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as professional accounting, legal, or tax advice.

2. User Responsibilities:

Users acknowledge and understand that the Chatbot’s information is not a substitute for professional advice. Users should not rely solely on the Chatbot to make legal, accounting, or tax-related decisions. It is the responsibility of users to seek professional advice to address their specific situations.

3. Limitation of Liability:

Tax Debt Monster, its affiliates, and the developers of the Chatbot shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or legal consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the Chatbot. The information provided by the Chatbot is not exhaustive, and users should independently verify critical details for their unique circumstances.

4. No Formation of Professional Relationship:

The use of the Chatbot does not create a professional relationship between users and Tax Debt Monster or its affiliates. Users should not consider the information exchanged with the Chatbot as a basis for establishing any professional relationship.

5. Changes to the Chatbot and Terms:

Tax Debt Monster reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Chatbot at any time without prior notice. Additionally, these terms may be updated or amended. Users are encouraged to review the terms periodically. Continued use of the Chatbot after modifications implies acceptance of the updated terms.

6. User Conduct:

Users agree to use the Chatbot for lawful purposes and refrain from engaging in any activities that could harm, disrupt, or impair the functionality of the Chatbot or Tax Debt Monster’s services. Any misuse may result in the termination of access.

7. Intellectual Property:

All content, trademarks, logos, and intellectual property associated with the Chatbot and Tax Debt Monster are owned by Tax Debt Monster or its licensors. Users agree not to reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works without explicit authorization.

8. Third-Party Links:

The Chatbot may contain links to third-party websites or resources. Tax Debt Monster does not endorse or assume responsibility for the content on these external sites. Users access them at their own risk.

9. Data Privacy:

Tax Debt Monster values user privacy. While the Chatbot may collect and process user data, this information is handled in accordance with Tax Debt Monster’s Privacy Policy. Users are encouraged to review the Privacy Policy for details on data collection, storage, and usage.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Users agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Jurisdiction] in any dispute arising out of or relating to the Chatbot or these terms.

11. Indemnification:

Users agree to indemnify and hold Tax Debt Monster and its affiliates harmless from any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising from the user’s use of the Chatbot, violation of these terms, or infringement of any rights.

12. Entire Agreement:

These terms constitute the entire agreement between users and Tax Debt Monster concerning the Chatbot, superseding any prior agreements or understandings. No modification or waiver of these terms shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties.

By using the Tax Debt Monster AI Chatbot, users agree to these terms and conditions. It is crucial to recognize the limitations of the Chatbot’s information and seek professional advice for individual circumstances. Tax Debt Monster is committed to providing a valuable educational tool while emphasizing user responsibility and legal compliance.

Prohibited Uses and Restrictions for AI Chatbot on Tax Debt Monster:

To ensure a secure and positive interaction with the AI chatbot on Tax Debt Monster, users are required to adhere to the following prohibitions and restrictions:

  1. Unauthorized Access: Users must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the AI chatbot, Tax Debt Monster’s databases, or systems. Respect for the defined boundaries of the platform is essential, and any unauthorized activities are strictly prohibited.

  2. Misuse of Responses: Users are strictly prohibited from unauthorized copying, distribution, or misuse of responses generated by the AI chatbot on Tax Debt Monster. All responses and generated content are protected by intellectual property laws.

  3. Malicious Queries: Engaging in malicious activities, including submitting harmful queries, attempting to exploit vulnerabilities, or any action that compromises the security of the AI chatbot or Tax Debt Monster’s platform, is strictly forbidden.

  4. Impersonation: Users shall not engage in impersonation of any individual, company, or entity through interactions with the AI chatbot. Creating queries or interactions that falsely represent affiliation with Tax Debt Monster is strictly prohibited.

  5. Harassment and Discrimination: Harassment, discrimination, or any form of abusive behavior directed towards the AI chatbot, Tax Debt Monster, or its users is strictly prohibited. Tax Debt Monster prioritizes a respectful and inclusive user experience.

  6. False Information: Users must refrain from providing false, inaccurate, or misleading information in their interactions with the AI chatbot. Ensuring the accuracy of information shared is imperative.

  7. Compliance with Laws: Users are required to comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws, including those related to data protection, privacy, and consumer rights, while using the AI chatbot on Tax Debt Monster.

  8. Commercial Use without Authorization: Unauthorized commercial activities, such as promoting products or services, through interactions with the AI chatbot without express consent from Tax Debt Monster are strictly prohibited.

  9. Interference with Functionality: Users must not disrupt or interfere with the proper functioning of the AI chatbot or Tax Debt Monster’s services. Any attempts to compromise stability and security are strictly forbidden.

Violation of these prohibitions may lead to restrictions on the usage of the AI chatbot, suspension or termination of user access, legal action, and other remedies deemed appropriate by Tax Debt Monster. Tax Debt Monster reserves the right to enforce these restrictions to protect the integrity and functionality of its AI chatbot and services.

TRF ( Tax Relief Finder ) Disclaimer:

Welcome to (“the Website”). This disclaimer outlines the terms and conditions governing your use of the services and tools provided on this platform, including but not limited to the Tax Relief Finder (TRF). Please read this disclaimer carefully, as your use of the Website signifies your acceptance of the terms herein.

1. Informational Purpose: The Tax Relief Finder (TRF) tools provided on this website are offered for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice. The programs listed in the TRF results are examples and do not imply official approval or endorsement by the IRS or our organization.

2. User Acknowledgment: By using the TRF tools, users acknowledge and agree that:

  • The information provided is not an exhaustive representation of all available IRS programs.
  • The TRF results are not guarantees of eligibility, and users should independently verify program details.
  • Our organization is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided.
  • Users should seek professional advice before making any decisions based on the TRF results.

3. Not an IRS Approval: Users further acknowledge that the information presented on, including the TRF results, does not constitute an official approval or endorsement by the IRS or our organization regarding any specific IRS programs.

4. Limitation of Liability: By clicking on the image or using the TRF tools, users expressly agree that our organization and its affiliates shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use or reliance on the TRF results.

5. Additional Terms and Conditions: For more detailed information and terms of use, users are encouraged to review the “Terms and Conditions” section of this website. The terms and conditions supplement and are integral to this disclaimer, providing further guidance on the usage policies and guidelines applicable to your interaction with the Website.

6. Accuracy of Information: While efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the Website, does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or currency. Information may be subject to change, and users should be aware of the dynamic nature of tax regulations.

7. Updates and Changes: reserves the right to update or change this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the disclaimer to stay informed about any modifications.

8. Jurisdictional Considerations: This disclaimer is drafted with general considerations in mind and may not account for specific legal requirements in your jurisdiction. Users are advised to consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Conclusion: Your use of and its services signifies your acceptance of the terms outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, we advise refraining from using the Website and its tools.

For any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at [[email protected]].